Le Ciastel de Fanes
Duta la chëurt s’ ova abinà
tl salamënt dl ciastel de Fanes
per festejé Dolasila, sën varida
dala ferides dl scumbat de Fiames…
Mé a Ey de Net ti fov’la garateda
cun gran marueia de duc canc
y ël la secudiva tla batalies,
paran jù rëit la sëites traditëures…
A nia ne juova duta la defendoies,
tl cuer runciova na piza ntussieda
de amor per ël che fova
bele da giut ferì a mort da si cialeda…
The Castle of Fanes
The whole court had gathered
in the hall of Fanes castle,
to praise Dolasila, who had just recovered
from her wounds in the battle of Fiames…
Only Ey de Net had succeeded
to heave up the magic shield,
he protected the princess during the fights
from the bite of treacherous arrows…
But all the defences were useless,
her heart was already poisoned
by love for him,
who himself suffered from the same disease…