The dream of Dolasila – multimedia concert


The dream of Dolasila –multimedia concert May 2016: Merano, Bolzano, Bressanone, Milano Susy Rottonara: original music from Fanes Poem Musical, soprano Orchestra Kleutrom, Conductor: Davide Lorenzato Ermes d’arjënt – The silver weapons Il sogno di Dolasila - The dream of Dolasila (film) Video song Nosc amor (Our love) [...]

The dream of Dolasila – multimedia concert2018-05-23T10:52:20+02:00

Soprano and piano performances

2025-02-20T14:12:06+01:00 Home concert  - International Musician's Day 2020 SUSY ROTTONARA YOUTUBE Finale from Jardin sous la plouie by C.Debussy - Vernissage exhibition ROTT music and art Richard Strauss: Cäcilie - Casa Verdi Milano F.Liszt: Sonetto I del Petrarca: Pace non trovo - Casa Verdi Milano

Soprano and piano performances2025-02-20T14:12:06+01:00

Installation Dolasila and songs from Fanes Poem Musical


Premiere at the Mart: 15/02/2013 At the Museo Fondazione Matalon in Milan: 23/05/2013 Nosc amor - Casa Verdi 2014 La ciaceda de Ey de Net – Circolo Volta Milano 2015 Dolasila dan l scumbat de Prelongià – Circolo Volta Milano 2015

Installation Dolasila and songs from Fanes Poem Musical2017-04-04T15:04:11+02:00

Dreaming of Fanes


Songs from the Album Dreaming of Fanes “Ermes d’ arjënt / The silver weapons” “ Dolasila dan l scumbat d’ Prelongià / Dolasila before the battle of Prelongià”

Dreaming of Fanes2017-04-04T15:04:12+02:00
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