Press Eventi


Online dedicated reports: Music and Stars Magazine, The Pink Backbone -Affari di donne/Donne d'affari,  Fashionluxury, Fashionluxury (Fashion Art and More) International press The Sunday Times of Malta, The Malta Independent, l-orizzont, California Literary Review, Die Neue Bildpost, Servus Magazin International and national TV & Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, [...]

Press Eventi2025-02-07T11:46:27+01:00

Press Awards


National and international Television and Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, RAI e Radio Sender Bozen, RAI e Radio regionale del Trentino Alto Adige, Video Bolzano 33, RAI International, TML – Tele Minoranze Linguistiche, TCA, Südtirol Heute – ORF, Radju Malta. National and local press Il Corriere della sera/Il Corriere [...]

Press Awards2024-02-15T16:14:10+01:00

Press Film


National and international Television and Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, RAI e Radio Sender Bozen, RAI e Radio regionale del Trentino Alto Adige, Video Bolzano 33, RAI International, TML – Tele Minoranze Linguistiche, TCA, Südtirol Heute – ORF, Radju Malta. National and local press Il Corriere della sera/Il Corriere [...]

Press Film2024-02-15T16:15:20+01:00

Press Portraits


Online portraits: Music and Stars Magazine The Pink Backbone -Affari di donne/Donne d'affari Die Südtirolerin Die Neue Bildpost

Press Portraits2024-02-15T15:51:42+01:00
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