Events and concerts organised by privates are not reported
ROTT Art and Music in the CAM 60
ROTT Arte and Music in the historical 60. edition of the CAM Catalogo dell’Arte Moderna - Catalogue of Modern Art Giorgio Mondadori – Cairo Editore Susy Rottonara and Urbano [...]
Puccini 100 Milano: Concert – event The female protagonists of Puccini
The female protagonists of Puccini: concert - event Susy Rottonara soprano - pianist 20 Oct., 4 pm - Savini- Milano, Toscanini room, on occasion of Puccini's 100. death-anniversary Press Municipio 1 - Comune di [...]
Celebration concert at the City Theatre of Bolzano – Gries
Celebration concert on the 90.birthday of Fonso Willeit - original Lieder and arias in Ladin 6/09/2024, 6 pm - City Theatre of Bolzano - Gries Invitation RAI NEWS TRAIL RAI [...]
Cultural ambassador on Radio Cortina and Unsertirol24
Cultural ambassador on Radio Cortina every Monday at 11:30 as guest of Nives Milani: the Ladin legends of the Dolomites Radio Cortina live Cultural ambassador on Unsertirol24
Protagonist of the cultural event in Cortina d’Ampezzo 14 August
Protagonist of the cultural event dedicated to Sidonia and the Gran Bracun as expert researcher of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites, as music artist and as actress Installation ROTT Art and Music with [...]
Dantedì 2024: Donna se’tanto grande -Teatro Cristallo
Donna se'tanto grande Cultural event by the Società Dante Alighieri of Bolzano on occasion of the Dantedì 2024 - 25 March Music by A.Perosa from Canto XXXIII - Paradiso of the Divina Commedia Soprano [...]
Protagonist of fashion-shoot in the magazine F – D&G, Roger Vivier
Protagonist for South Tyrol of the fashion shoot in the magazine F for the project Face to face -Women of North-East, on occasion of the jubilee of the magazine. Presentation of the cultural [...]
Presentation Catalogue Exhibition pictures and artworks of La Ila/La Villa
Presentation of the Catalogue of the Exhibition on pictures and artworks about La Ila/La Villa by Vijo Rottonara de Francësch (1893-1956) and Lois Rottonara ROTT Authors: Susy Rottonara and Werner Pescosta Edited by: Istitut [...]
Protagonist of the cultural event in Cortina d’Ampezzo 23d August 2023
Protagonist of the cultural event about the legend of the Reign of Fanes in the places of Ladin legends as expert researcher of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites and as music artist 23/08/2023, [...]
ROTT Art and Music exhibition CIAVAI / HORSES Piz Boé Alpine Lounge
Exhibition "CIAVAI - CAVALLI" to celebrate the 85. birthday of Lois Rottonara ROTT at 2.200 m in the Dolomites mountains curated by Susy Rottonara Exhibition period: from 17. June to 1. October 2023 Vernissage: [...]
ROTT Art and Music at the Milano Fashion Week
Susy Rottonara with a music performance as soprano and pianist and Lois Rottonara ROTT with the artworks collection Haute Art Couture and Susy Rottonara have been protagonists of the cultural scene at the [...]
TV Program: Musicbox33
Protagonist of the 5o. episode of Musicbox33 on VideoBolzano33. Interview by Paola Bessega. Watch program FB 4 March, 8 pm. Reruns: 5 March 10 am and 5:30 pm; 6 March 12:30 am [...]
Performance at the exhibition of pictures and paintings by Vijo Rottonara de Francësch and ROTT
Performance at the vernissage of the exhibition about the history of La Ila - La Villa with with still unpublished pictures by Vijo Rottonara de Francësch (1893-1956), one of the first photographers of Val [...]
Dolasila in Munich
Dolasila: art and music for the Ladin legends Munich (DE), Maximiliansforum - 19/11/'22, 6 pm Longega Project Dolasila: Nov '22 - Feb '23 Live performance from The dream of Dolasila: Susy Rottonara soprano & [...]
Rai Radio 3: Protagonist of Anima ladina – Ladin soul
7 November, 7:50 p.m., Rai Radio 3: The Ladin legends of the Dolomites and Dolasila in the audio documentary Anima ladina - Ladin soul. Part 1: Le Radici - The roots. Talk with Susy [...]
September 2022: National TV Programs
RAI TRE, 9 Sept., 3:20 p.m.: Il Mythonauta - Music from The dream of Dolasila sung with Davide van de Sfroos and presentation of the legend of the Reign of Fanes RAI DUE, 3 [...]
12/08/2022 Dolomites Legends in Cortina d’Ampezzo
Presentation of the project Dolomites Legends in the Museum of modern art M.Rimoldi in Cortina d'Ampezzo in collaboration with the Nature Park Parco naturale delle Dolomiti d'Ampezzo Speakers: Susy Rottonara, Michele da Pozzo Thanks [...]
ROTT Art & Music – Charing Golf Tour 2022 Alta Badia
ROTT Art & Music - Charing Golf Tour 2022 Alta Badia 5-6-7/08/2022 ROTT Art & Music local sponsor Music from The dream of Dolasila - Susy Rottonara soprano & piano Trophys Pisciadú by [...]
ROTT – Art and music on RAI DUE – IL PROVINCIALE
National Italian Television RAI DUE - Il Provinciale - 16/04/2022: Nature and Art Aria from the experimental opera The dream of Dolasila and presentatioon of the art by Lois Rottonara ROTT In the Atelier [...]
Midsummer blooming 2021
Midsummer blooming 2021 Multimedia project of music, art and artistic photography Home made recordings of significant classical and opera music for soprano and piano inspired by the colors of the flowers in the mountains to [...]
Haute ART Couture by ROTT at the Milano Fashion Week
Installation Haute Art Couture by ROTT in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele Press communication Galleria & Friends Streaming Libreria Bocca - Galleria & Friends Press: Fashionluxury The Cube Magazine [...]
Dante700 – Installation ROTT Music and Art
INSTALLATION – Title: Dante700 – Vergine Madre Music: Vergine Madre by A.Perosa. From the 33. Canto del Paradiso of the Divina Commedia by Dante. Soprano and piano: Susy Rottonara Artwork: Mother with child by Lois Rottonara [...]
Protagonist of the program NOI Dolomites UNESCO
Interview with presentation of the artistic and cultural activity to promote the Ladin legends of the Dolomites with singing performance from The dream of Dolasila Program on the Youtube channel Dolomites UNESCO: [...]
Singing performance at the Maratona dles Dolomites
Singing performance at the start of the Maratona dles Dolomites dedicated to art - "ert": "Ave Maria" by Gounod to remember the victims of Covid-19 4 July 2021, 6 a.m, La Villa in Badia [...]
Dolomites Legends – Alpimagia
Dolomites Legends in Bolzano in the context of the exhibition Alpimagia 17/06/2021, ore 18 - Trevi Center. Organisation: Consulta Ladina of the Municipality of Bolzano, CAI Sezione di Bolzano Music from The dream of [...]
The Ladin legends on RAI DUE – Il Mythonauta
On national RAI TV program as music artist -Dolasila- and expert of Ladin legends RAI DUE, 3.06.2021 - Il Mythonauta Pictures from the set in Val Badia with Davide Van [...]
Cultural ambassador on international level
Cultural ambassador on the World Day for Cultural Diversity dor Dialogue and Development on 21th May 2021 Youtube, Wikimedia Portrait as cultural ambassador and music artist on the magazine Die Südtirolerin (p. 72-73) Read [...]
March 2021: Star of classical music at Music and Stars
Star among classical music professionals at Music and Stars Magazine Acknowledged as pianist and soprano at the online talent of classical music supported by Accademia Musicale Europea, KNS Classical, Lake Come International Music Festival, [...]
Artventscalendar 2020 & World Music Conference
Susy Rottonara protagonist as singer of the Artventscalendar 2020 Production: Tourist board of Bolzano in collaboration with Südtirol Jazz Festival and the Municipality of Bolzano Video shot at the Parco delle Semirurali di Bolzano [...]
Dolomites Legends – the places of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites
Dolomites Legends - the places of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites Live streaming conference hosted from the Società Dante Alighieri at the Trevi Center Bolzano in connection with the exhibition ALPIMAGIA and in [...]
Cultural achievements: Coordinator of Ladin Wikipedia, Südtirolerin of the day
Coordinator of the Ladin Wikipedia Press conference on 13/10/2020 RAI TV Ladinia, RAI 3 Regionale Trentino Alto Adige, VIDEO BOLZANO 33 Press: RaiNews, Alto Adige, RTTR, Euregio News, [...]
October 2020: Susy Rottonara protagonist on The Pink BackBone
The Pink BackBone: Business of Women | Business Women Read article Susy Rottonara protagonist to promote the role of Women in culture and in the arts. Instagram Preview article:
Dolasila on TV program Linea Bianca – Rai Uno
Presentation of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites and music from The dream of Dolasila on TV program Linea Bianca -Rai Uno, 29/02/2020, 2 p.m. Rai Play On the set with television star Massimiliano [...]
Event in Milan with the Academy of milanese dialect
Cultural event of music and poetry to discover the female figures in the Ladin tradition and in the tradition of Milan. With Susy Rottonara, Paola Cavanna and with the President of the Academy of milanese [...]
Award as soprano and composer at the Global Music Awards 2019
Susy Rottonara awarded at Global Music Awards 2019 with "Outstanding achievement - Silver Medal Winner" as soprano and composer for contemporary opera with the aria Dolasila's love - L'amur de Dolasila from the opera The [...]
Summer 2019 -Highlights: Dolomites Legends, Servus Magazin
Dolomites Legends - The places of the Ladin legends of the Dolomites Presentation of the project coordinated by Susy Rottonara on 11. August, 3 p.m. at the entry of the Nature [...]
May 2019 – Highlights: contemporary opera, sacred lyrical music
09.05 - Mercantile Palace Bolzano. Concert Cantare est salutare with contemporary opera music 18.05 - Cristo Re -Bolzano. Cultural event with concert of sacred arias by Mozart, Vivaldi, Cherubini, Gounod and Verdi From [...]
22.03.2019: Vocal performance at the 1. ESU European Regional Conference in South Tyrol
Vernissage of the 1. European Regional Conference ESU in South Tyrol in the Palazzo Mercantile in Bolzano Music programm: Freude schöner Götterfunken - Hymn of the European Union by L.v.Beethoven: Bel lingaz [...]
8/03/2019: International women’s day. Tribute to Lina Cavalieri and to women in music and art
Remembering Lina Cavalieri, soprano and actress, "the world's most beautiful woman" celebrated in the exhibition L'Italia a Hollywood in the Ferragamo Museum in Florence. O mio babbino caro by G.Puccini. Susy Rottonara soprano, piano. [...]
Dolasila – Videoblog of music and art
A new project of music and art on the social media. Highlights from famous opera arias sung and accompanied on the piano with artistic setting. January: Happy New Year! Brindisi from La Traviata by G.Verdi [...]
26/09/2018: Merano: The dream of Dolasila – European day of languages
Susy Rottonara sings her music from The dream of Dolasila and presents the legend of the Reign of Fanes through music and art. In collaboration with Federazione Culturale Gaetano Gambara UPAD and Centro Studi e Ricerche [...]
12/08/2018 – Fanes: Event on occasion of the European cultural year 2018
Press conference with presentation of the multimedia projects about Ladin legends in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia. Press Report on TG Regionale RAI 3: Report on TG TRAIL RAI Ladinia: [...]
27/07/2018, ROTT – music and art: vernissage retrospective exhibition
Retrospective exhibition on occasion of the 80th birthday of the artist Lois Rottonara ROTT - Vernissage: 27/07/2018, 6 pm, Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü - S.Martin de Tor Susy Rottonara: soprano, piano Music [...]
12/04/2018: Il sogno di Dolasila hosted by the Società Dante Alighieri in Bolzano
Conference - Concert Centro Trevi, Bolzano, 6:30 p.m. The cultural heritage of Ladin legends and the legend of the Reign of Fanes presented through art and music. Invitation- Poster
Susy Rottonara Dolasila cultural ambassador for DiorLoveChain
Susy's sung video For love on instagram for the charity campaigne by DIOR on the social wall DiorLoveChain Video Press TV Website DiorLoveChain
24/11/2017, 4 p.m.: ROTT – Music and art. Presentation of the publication Flus d’altonn. Susy Rottonara: soprano
Istitut Ladin Micurá de Rü, S.Martin de Tor Presentation of the publication by Lois Ellecosta illustrated by Lois Rottonara ROTT. Exhibition of artworks by ROTT. Ulrich Willeit, Susy Rottonara, Lois Rottonara ROTT, Lois Ellecosta Ladin [...]
10/11/2017, 21 h: The dream of Dolasila in Milan – Cultural Commission CAI
The mountain as cradle of people's imagination. The dream of Dolasila Rassegna Sguardi verso l’alto - Festival Looking upwards Moderator: Greta Castrucci Guest: Susy Rottonara Poster Reviews on fb: @Commissione Culturale CAI Milano @susy rottonara [...]
12/08/2017, 14 – 18: The dream of Dolasila – Concert on the Fanes mountain
12/08/2017, 14 - 18: The dream of Dolasila - Concert on the Fanes mountain Original music from the multimedia show The dream of Dolasila. Presentation of the legend of the Reign of Fanes and of [...]
26/07/2017: Interview of Susy Rottonara on RAI Radio Ladinia – LADINIA LIVE
26/07/2017: Interview of Susy Rottonara on RAI Radio Ladinia - LADINIA LIVE Podcast
The dream of Dolasila in Venice – exhibition in the context of the 57. Biennale d’Arte
A video installation of music and art with original music by Susy Rottonara and artworks by Lois Rottonara ROTT from the multimedia show Il sogno di Dolasila - The dream of Dolasila at the [...]
Album The dream of Dolasila on iTunes and Google Play
DOWNLOAD The dream of Dolasila from iTunes Google Play Snippets on Soundcloud
November 2016: Video trailer The dream of Dolasila – music and art for a better world
November 2016: Video trailer The dream of Dolasila - music and art for a better world Go to the facebook fan page Go to the project The dream of Dolasila
22/10/2016: The new album The dream of Dolasila online
22/10/2016: The new album The dream of Dolasila online The new album with the 13 tracks of the multimedia show. A music and a project to dream of a better world of peace and in [...]
24/09/2016, 8 p.m.: Exsultate jubilate by W.A.Mozart – Festival Badiamusica 2016
Concert for the 500 th jubilee of the church of La Villa in Badia Festival Badiamusica 2016 Susy Rottonara: Soprano Orchestra Val Badia Conductor: Bruno Rives Poster Programm Press copyright pictures: Freddy Planinschek [...]
July 2016: The dream of Dolasila –RADIO and TV programmes
July 2016: The dream of Dolasila –RADIO and TV programmes Interview on Radio Ladinia – 01/07/2016: TV Programm Paladina – RAI Ladinia – 07/07/2016, 8:50 p.m.
May 2016: The dream of Dolasila
May 2016: The dream of Dolasila Multimedia show on the occasion of the 10th year of the cultural association Fanes. The legends of the mythic Reign of Fanes presented through music and video. [...]
03/09/2015, 6 p.m., Brunico, Raiffeisen Gallery : ROTT – music and art: Vernissage of the Exhibition Horses
Artworks by ROTT -paintings and sculptures- about horses. Susy Rottonara: Soprano, piano: pieces by C.Debussy and R.Strauss Invitation Pictures Press[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
28/05/2015, 18:15: Milano – Circolo Volta: Susy Rottonara guest star at the Event for the promotion of the original culture and dialect of Milan and Lombardia Region to support the revitalisation of Radio Meneghina
Susy Rottonara sings her original music from Fanes Poem Musical accompanied by Maestro Marco Giubileo –viola of the Orchestra Teatro alla Scala- and performs as soprano famous songs in the dialect of Milan and opera [...]
Spring 2015: Susy Rottonara’s voice in the video We are love by Laura Sullivan, Grammy winning artist at the 56th Grammy Awards
Susy Rottonara is one of the musicians from the international scenery invited by the Grammy winning pianist, composer and producer Laura Sullivan to collaborate at her new video We are love. The song is [...]
13/02/2015, 4:30 p.m.: The Reign of Fanes at Expo Games 2015
Fair Bolzano – cinema space: Presentation of the legend of the Reign of Fanes with Susy Rottonara and with the guest star director and actor Antonio Salines. Following showing of the film Le Rëgn de [...]
26/01/2015, 21 h: Event The Reign of Fanes in Milan
Presentation of the legend of the Reign of Fanes and of the film Le Rëgn de Fanes –The Reign of Fanes Organisation: Cultural Association Antropolis Milan Poster
16 – 17/10/2014: Presentation of Fanes Poem Musical and musical performance by Susy Rottonara at the international Meeting of the Task Force Cross-Border Culture in Eupen (Belgium)
Government of the German-speaking Community of Belgium Website of the event Programme Pictures Notiziario Donne in musica, p.5 Press Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Susy Rottonara, Rudolf Godesar
July 2014: Music by Susy Rottonara broadcasted on Radju Malta
16/07, 9 p.m.– 11.p.m.: The musical poetry of the Dolomites Broadcast repeated on Radju Malta 2 from 11 p.m. to 01 a.m. 23/07, 9 p.m.– 11.p.m.: The Reign of Fanes Broadcast repeated on Radju Malta [...]
07/06/2014: Susy Rottonara guest star at the Big Opera and Instrumental Concert “Grande Concerto lirico vocale e strumentale” in the Casa Verdi in Milan
4:30 p.m., Hall of Honour Casa Verdi – Milan: Big Opera and Instrumental Concert “Grande Concerto lirico strumentale e vocale” with famous musicians of the international scenery and from the Lombardia Susy Rottonara sings her [...]
03/04/2014: Dolasila in Malta
03/04, 6:30 p.m., Hall of the Italian Cultural Institute – La Valletta, Malta: Multimedia Installation Dolasila Original music, soprano: Susy Rottonara Musical, cultural and gastronomical event about the cultural heritage of the Dolomites and [...]
01 – 02/ 2014 Fanes Poem Musical –original music, soprano: Susy Rottonara–broadcasted on RADIO RAI Ladina
Fanes Poem Musical –original music, soprano: Susy Rottonara–broadcasted on RADIO RAI Ladina in the radio program Dai crëps dl Sela by Alessandro Dapunt Broadcasting schedule: 10/01: 19:05 17:01: 19:05 24/01: 19:05 31/01: 19:05 7/02: 19:05
11 – 2013 Broadcasting of Dolasila on TML Tele Minoranze Linguistiche / TrentinoTV Television with original music and musical performance by Susy Rottonara
Broadcasting of Dolasila on TML Tele Minoranze Linguistiche / TrentinoTV Television in the television programme "L Cianton de l'Istitut" ( with original music and musical performance by Susy Rottonara recorded during the multimedia Installation Dolasila [...]
24/10/2013: The Fryske Akademy / Mercator Research Centre, Leeuwarden – The Netherlands: Contribution and musical performance by Susy Rottonara at the European Expert Seminar “The Ethnocultural Dimensions in Education”
[icon_teaser style="full_color" type="library_bookmarked"] Website of the event PRESS
17/10/2013 3 p.m, Park Buchholz Salurn (BZ) Event – Premiere: Susy Rottonara sings her new song
with lyrics by the artist Sieglinde Tatz Borgogno from the book of poetries Im Vertrauen [icon_teaser style="full_color" type="library_bookmarked"] PRESS
08 – 2013 Susy Rottonara special guest in the radio program by RAI Sender Bozen Television Radio Wohnzimmer mit interessanten Menschen (17:05, 23/08, 9:05)
Interview by Gertrud Prenn. Songs from Fanes Poem Musical
In the Castle of Legends 2013: A ladin homage to Giuseppe Verdi 11/08, 5 p.m., Castle Colz
In the cultural event ladin legends meet opera and classical music. Performances: 11/08/2013: Castle Colz, La Villa in Badia (BZ -South Tyrol- Italy): A homage to Giuseppe Verdi in the 200th birthday anniversary. The ladin [...]
15/02/2013 Multimedia Installation Dolasila – Premiere in MART Museum in Rovereto
Dolasila: Multimedia- Installation- Event The installation Dolasila promotes the ladin legends through music, art and literature. The legend of the Reign of Fanes is presented in an artistic way from the point of view [...]
23/05/2013 Multimedia Installation Dolasila – Milan, Museo – Fondazione Matalon
Dolasila: Multimedia- Installation- Event The installation Dolasila promotes the ladin legends through music, art and literature. The legend of the Reign of Fanes is presented in an artistic way from the point of view [...]