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So far ADVstudio.it has created 266 blog entries.

The Castle of Fanes


Le Ciastel de Fanes Duta la chëurt s' ova abinà tl salamënt dl ciastel de Fanes per festejé Dolasila, sën varida dala ferides dl scumbat de Fiames... Mé a Ey de Net ti fov'la garateda cun gran marueia de duc canc y ël la secudiva tla batalies, paran jù rëit la sëites traditëures... A [...]

The Castle of Fanes2017-04-04T15:04:08+02:00

Our love


Nosc amor Nosc amor mei flurì à vivù na sëula sajon dla prima ansciuda, canche la nëif delëiga plan y mé spéresc cuca sù ciofs bunerives tló y iló, ancontra al surëdl lëis che sciauda puech... Nosc amor mei madurì, fat de sëmiesc y paroles lesieres che desfantea riesc ala lum dl di y [...]

Our love2017-04-04T15:04:08+02:00

Ey de Net’s banishment


La ciaceda de Ey de Net Ora per i montes y valedes tralascedes, ancontra ai crëps dlacei che fej da sëida al rëni contra la tieres desgrujëntes di Bedojeres, nchina ju tla longia planadura y sula rives blances dl mer zënza eurijont te chiere... Y mé l miraje de n amor perdù per for [...]

Ey de Net’s banishment2017-04-04T15:04:08+02:00

Press Awards


National and international Television and Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, RAI e Radio Sender Bozen, RAI e Radio regionale del Trentino Alto Adige, Video Bolzano 33, RAI International, TML – Tele Minoranze Linguistiche, TCA, Südtirol Heute – ORF, Radju Malta. National and local press Il Corriere della sera/Il Corriere [...]

Press Awards2024-02-15T16:14:10+01:00

Press Film


National and international Television and Radio RAI Uno, RAI Due, RAI TV e Radio Ladinia, RAI e Radio Sender Bozen, RAI e Radio regionale del Trentino Alto Adige, Video Bolzano 33, RAI International, TML – Tele Minoranze Linguistiche, TCA, Südtirol Heute – ORF, Radju Malta. National and local press Il Corriere della sera/Il Corriere [...]

Press Film2024-02-15T16:15:20+01:00



Aurona Tl sot dl fosch Padon mei ne luna l surëdl, popul de stlevesc che geva tla vëines Tlo sot luna mé l or che duc adorba, l’ejia sumënza dl tradimënt Per for tl sot dl fosch Padon, fauza munëida de n Rë de sas… Aurona In the depths of the black [...]


Dolasila before the battle of Pralongià


Dolasila dan l scumbat de Prelongià Mi furnimënt striunày ie sën fosch sciche la nuet, duc i seniei manacia desdita y sul cunfin auden l var pesoch de jëntes salveres, fuesc sula pizes di crëps cunedësc inò la viera... Se' bele ciun che sarà mi destin, sën che l rë nes à tradì y [...]

Dolasila before the battle of Pralongià2017-04-04T15:04:09+02:00

In the Castle of legends – Opera highlights


In the cultural event Ladin legends meet opera and classical music. Performances: 10/08/2014, Castle Colz, La Villa (BZ): At Moltina’s court: love and legend. Opera arias by V.Bellini and pieces from Fanes Poem Musical Live recordings La Sonnambula: "Care compagne" - Video La Sonnambula: "Sovra il sen" I Puritani: "Qui [...]

In the Castle of legends – Opera highlights2021-05-27T10:08:34+02:00

The dead ravine


La morta vara Ulache n iede fova l rëni dla lijënda iel mé na morta vara danter montes scherpëntes L vërt di prei s' à delegà ti lec, cësa d'Aganes spevies tl plu sot de l'eghes Les cunedësc i tëmps che vën, zënza che deguni ntënde l sonn de si paroles Sëura l ciastel [...]

The dead ravine2017-04-04T15:04:09+02:00

The promised time


L tëmp mpermetù Tl cuer dla nuet passa via la berca, tl rai dlacià dla luna sul'ega sarëina I crëps slaurìs smarësc alauta, iust sul lim viulentà dl rëni antich Y n sonn d'arjënt se sfranj ti parëies y rundenësc dalonc sul spiedl dl'ega Mo n iede revenësc l sëmi dl tëmp mpermetù tl [...]

The promised time2017-04-04T15:04:09+02:00

The Film and the legend


At the beginning of the Reign of Fanes there is alliance with the marmots, that the queen of Fanes keeps as a secret as she marries a foreign king, who himself makes an alliance with the flaming eagle. When the queen begets two twin sisters -Dolasila and Lujanta- she gives Lujanta to the marmots [...]

The Film and the legend2019-03-08T13:55:04+01:00

Awards Film


MAIN EVENTS THE FILM WAS PRESENTED AT: - 1. prize for the film score “Best Film Music” to the film music of the film The Reign of Fanes at the Renderyard Film Festival 2007 in London (UK)- 1. prize for the “Best International Score” to the film music of the film The Reign of Fanes [...]

Awards Film2017-04-04T15:04:10+02:00

Installation Dolasila and songs from Fanes Poem Musical


Premiere at the Mart: 15/02/2013 At the Museo Fondazione Matalon in Milan: 23/05/2013 Nosc amor - Casa Verdi 2014 La ciaceda de Ey de Net – Circolo Volta Milano 2015 Dolasila dan l scumbat de Prelongià – Circolo Volta Milano 2015

Installation Dolasila and songs from Fanes Poem Musical2017-04-04T15:04:11+02:00

Installation Dolasila


Dolasila: Multimedia- Installation- Event Premiere: MART Museum Rovereto. Performances at the Museo Fondazione L.Matalon in Milan and in the Italian Cultural Institute in La Valletta - Malta. The installation Dolasila promotes the ladin legends through music, art and literature. The legend of the Reign of Fanes is presented in an artistic way from the [...]

Installation Dolasila2018-06-22T15:13:03+02:00

Dreaming of Fanes


Songs from the Album Dreaming of Fanes “Ermes d’ arjënt / The silver weapons” “ Dolasila dan l scumbat d’ Prelongià / Dolasila before the battle of Prelongià”

Dreaming of Fanes2017-04-04T15:04:12+02:00

Installation Dolasila in Milan


23 May, 6.30 p.m.: Installation Dolasila in Milan Museum Fondazione Matalon, via Foro Bonaparte 67 Comunicato Stampa Locandina Foto Video

Installation Dolasila in Milan2017-04-04T15:04:12+02:00



The main aim of the film is to give to one of the most precious inheritances in oral Ladin dolomitic tradition -that is also characterised by various classical themes- a new and privileged means of transmission through the filmic performance, achieving a living preservation of the legend and an efficacious reception both by Ladin people [...]




Today Fanes is referred to a wonderful plateau surrounded by imposing mountains between Val Badia and Ampëz and is undoubtedly one of the most beloved walking routes by mountaineers. In the legend Fanes isn't only referred to this area, but to a larger, not clearly defined one because of the many conquests achieved by the [...]


Data sheet film


The film was shot in summer 2005 in some of the most fascinating dolomitic scenaries, such as the Fanes' plateau, the S.Nicolò valley in Fassa and Lake Braies. Except of the three promoters of this cultural project there were involved in the production of the film almost hundred volunteers -as principal actors, extras, collaborators- [...]

Data sheet film2021-10-29T16:45:21+02:00



MAIN EVENTS THE FILM WAS PRESENTED AT many Internationalen Festivals, where it was awarded in the central site of the CAI in Milano –V.Emanuele Gallery at the international event Montagna Libri Milano (2006) at the summer –cultural festival Dia de la cultura in Alghero in Sardegna in the central site of the catalanic minority (2006) [...]




The DVD of the film The Reign of Fanes is now available in four versions: Original Ladin, with speaker and subtitles in Italian, German and English (PAL / NTSC). (PAL/NTSC). Download information:i info@fanesfiction.com


Press Portraits


Online portraits: Music and Stars Magazine The Pink Backbone -Affari di donne/Donne d'affari Die Südtirolerin Die Neue Bildpost

Press Portraits2024-02-15T15:51:42+01:00

Fanes Poem Musical – The Musical Poem of the Dolomites


Fanes Poem Musical at the City Theatre of Bolzano , Orchestral-version Orchestra Filarmonica Italiana, Video by Television RAI TV Ladina of Bolzano LISTEN TO THE MUSIC IN THE ALBUM DREAMING OF FANES - the 1.album sung in ladin that has ever partecipated at the Grammy Awards SPOTIFY    APPLE  MUSIC AMAZON [...]

Fanes Poem Musical – The Musical Poem of the Dolomites2025-02-21T10:37:07+01:00

ROTT: Art and Music


ROTT ART AND MUSIC IN THE CAM 60 - Catalogo dell'arte moderna - editori Cairo e Giorgio Mondadori ROTT Art and Music & Fashion: Milan Fashion Week February 2023: cultural protagonists of Fashion Art and More. Discover more... INTERNATIONAL PRESS: Fashionluxury Fashion Film Festival Milano 2022: Susy Rottonara as soprano and pianist [...]

ROTT: Art and Music2025-02-05T16:54:17+01:00

Productions for children


The film The Reign of Fanes was presented in many occasions with educational purpose in various schools and school levels and also in other public occasions for a public of children and families. Fanes Poem Musical – The Musical Poem of the Dolomites was staged with didactic purpose and particularly for a public [...]

Productions for children2021-05-27T16:38:57+02:00

The Cultural Association Fanes


In 2006, after the production of the film The Reign of Fanes, Susy Rottonara founds the Cultural Association Fanes together with the other two authors of the film Roland Verra and Hans Peter Karbon. Afterwards many other fans of ladin legends joined them in the Association. The cultural association Fanes wants to promote and preserve [...]

The Cultural Association Fanes2013-01-01T10:02:21+01:00

Installazione Dolasila in MART of Rovereto


15 febbraio 2013 , ore 18:30 , Installazione Dolasila at MART di Rovereto. INFO: Mart Incontri Tel. 0464.454159 adac@mart.trento.it Press communication Poster Gallery Read more..

Installazione Dolasila in MART of Rovereto2017-04-04T15:04:13+02:00
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